Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bunker Work Nears End

We are slowly but surely getting close to completing our sand replacement project. We are currenly working on the greenside bunker on #2 which is one of the biggest bunkers on the course. After #2 is complete, we still have 2 bunkers on #18, 4 bunkers on #17, and 3 bunkers on #16 to complete the project.

This project has been difficult for a number of reasons. Sand blown around many of the edges of the bunkers has changed the faces dramatically over the years. Typically we want the bunker sand to be between 4-6 inches deep throughout the bunker. As you will see in one of the photos, from the base of the bunker to the grass line, we have accumulated 24 inches which means the ground surrounding the bunker is 18 inches higher than when it was built! When we run into these areas, we must cut the sod around the bunker, remove the excess sand, and then put the sod back down at the intended elevation.

It will take my staff about 3-4 days to complete this bunker alone. We need to shovel the sand out by hand to avoid damaging drain lines within the bunker, cut the sod and fix the surround, fix any liners that are damaged within the bunker, replace the sand and spread it evenly, and finally tamp the sand to compact it to provide a firm surface.

As you can see this is a labor intensive process. While the process has taken longer than expected, hopefully now you can see why it has taken so long to complete the project. Our hope is that the membership will enjoy consistent lies within the bunkers when we are complete.