Sunday, October 28, 2012

#7 Green Complete

Once again we have had another great week of weather for our project. It looks as though our luck may run out for a few days this week but we will get done what we can. This week #7 green was completed. The Spence crew worked hard this week to get as much accomplished as possible, knowing the impending poor weather forecast for this week.

#7 was sodded on Tuesday. Before the sod could be laid, we applied some "pre-plant" products that help improve the soil to be the best growing medium possible. Below is a picture of my staff applying these products.
#7 green being sodded
After #7 was completed the Spence crew moved over to #6 green. They utilized the great weather to get a large portion of the green completed before the cold weather moves in. Even in some cool, drizzly weather on Saturday morning the crew was hard at work to get the greensmix installed on the green.
Meanwhile, our staff has also been taking advantage of the good weather. This week we finished aerifying the back 9 aprons and all of the fairways. We also topdressed all of the greens, tees, and back 9 aprons. The front nine aprons were not aerified because some of the sod will need to be cut for the green project. Some of you may have noticed the huge pile of sand that has been stockpiled next to the maintenance facility. This is all of the old bunker sand that was removed during our sand replacement project. The sand was saved in case we needed it for the irrigation project if we found a lot of rock that needed to be removed. Due to the fact that we found little rock, we can use the material to topdress around the greens to firm up the aprons and smooth out any surrounds.
 Mowing Fescue
Hopefully #6 green will be completed this week but we will just have to wait and see what Mother Nature throws our way!

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